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Healthy lips are smooth, wet, not dry, and not rupture. To maintain the lip beauty, lips should be cared and protected from sunlight exposure. Taking care of lips is simple. We can use lip balm that contains of sunscreen. Lip balm is actually cosmetic product that can give extra humidity for lips. There are many kinds of lip balms with various tastes, but it’s better for us to choose one that has neutral taste.
Besides using lip balm, let’s find about how to maintain lip health.
Besides using lip balm, let’s find about how to maintain lip health.
1. Use the right lipstick. Lipstick unsuitable with lip skin can cause allergy, irritation, peeled lips, and dry lips. Therefore, before using lipstick, it’s good to try it first on inside of arm, and let stay for 2 days. If within these days the skin becomes itchy, we can know that the lipstick isn’t suitable for our lips.
2. Apply honey on lips every day before going to sleep. It’s for moisturizing lips. Because honey is neutral, it is good for skin. Honey could be replaced by olive oil. if we often use the honey, our lips will be bright back.
3. Increase consuming vegetables and fruits to get vitamin C.
4. Often drink water to avoid dry lips.
5. Don’t smoke and consume alcohol to avoid blackness and dryness of lips.
6. Compress dry lips with cold water that has been added by salt. After that, apply lip balm on lips. and, to remove dry layer on lips, we can apply toothpaste for a little on entire lips, and then brush slowly with soft toothbrush.
7. Adjust lipstick color with events we want to attend.
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