Natural Tips to Remove Moles

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We may find that there are many moles on our body parts. Mole appearance on our body part usually gives function to beautify the part. However, there are some moles we do not want because they look disturbing. To remove moles disturbing appearance, we usually have to do surgery of moles, but it
will take expensive cost. Meanwhile, there are actually ways to remove them with cheap cost. The
ways are applying recipes of natural materials that can be founded easily in our environment. There are two recipes. What are steps to make the recipes? Here we are.
First Way

1. First, take a few leaves of basil that are mixed with a tea spoon of betel lime.

2. After that, mash the mixture until smooth, and then attach the ingredients on moles we want to remove. In the tomorrow morning, we have to repeat the attachment.

3. After three days, we can see the result. Moles can peel off without leaving injury or spot.

Second Way

1. First, prepare frangipani flower, and then take its sap.

2. After that, rub the sap of frangipani flower on moles we want to remove.

3. Do this way continually until the moles are removed.